August is a month when trading volumes in the stock markets tend to slow down and any related news is scarce, such as corporate earnings releases. What can we expect this September?
High levels of debt and deficit threaten global growth
High levels of debt and deficit in many countries are among the main medium-term risks to the stability of the financial system. Both the financial system and the real economy may be impacted by public and private leverage aimed at sustaining dynamism, as detailed in the report “Economic and Sectoral Outlook 2024: Prospects for the Second Half of the Year,” by MAPFRE Economics.
How to buy the Knicks and the Rangers 50% off
Madison Square Garden Sports Corp. (NYSE: MSGS) owns two of the most iconic franchises in the world of sports: the New York Knicks and the New York Rangers. Over the past 4 years, the value of the Knicks and Rangers as estimated by Forbes have increased by 65% and 61%, respectively, but despite this substantial increase, MSGS’s shares have increased by a meager 26%.
These are the two scenarios for the global economy envisaged by MAPFRE Economics
The past few years have been shaped by uncertainty. That’s why MAPFRE Economics, MAPFRE’s research arm, always considers two different scenarios in its report “2024 Economic and Industry Outlook: Second Quarter Perspectives.”
How to reap the benefits of compound interest
Anyone interested in investing should be well-versed in a term that can become their greatest ally: compound interest. This powerful financial tool can help your assets grow over time.
What is risk diversification, and why is it so important for your investment portfolio?
The old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” definitely applies to the world of investment, specifically in relation to what is known as risk diversification. This is an essential concept to understand if you want to create a balanced portfolio that will help you avoid the unpleasant surprises that market volatility can produce.
These are the 10 books recommended by our experts for the summer
Summer vacation is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to pick up all the books we’ve set aside during the year. Can’t think of any? Not to worry: our experts at MAPFRE AM and MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial give you their recommendations.
“The process of hyper-regulation in asset management has sped up"
In this month's MAPFRE AM Interview of the Month, we talk to José Fernando Martínez, the management company's Chief Compliance Officer. He discusses the rise in regulation in the asset management industry over the past 26 years, the same number of years he’s been working at MAPFRE AM
Favorable market for the second half of the year, but beware of risks
The first half of the year ended with a fairly solid performance for the world economy, and the outlook for the second half remains good.
MAPFRE AM Responsible Inclusion
MAPFRE AM Presentation
Global Bond Fund