Results for: Markets research

Investing in soccer: What to expect in 2023?

Investing in soccer: What to expect in 2023?

MAPFRE AM has a fund (MAPFRE AM Behavioral Fund) that invests part of its portfolio in listed teams. Its manager, Luis García, tries to identify in this article some issues that could mark the immediate evolution of the sector, such as the growth of multi-club models or the possibility of new IPOs in 2023.

Alert from MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial: beware of meme stocks

Alert from MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial: beware of meme stocks

The 'meme stocks' are once again making headlines at the beginning of the year. Regarding this type of movements, Daniel Sancho, head of investments at MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial, does not see any kind of reasoning and values the figure of the financial advisor, who is precisely responsible for filtering out all this type of noise.

Investors leave the pessimism of 2022 behind

Investors leave the pessimism of 2022 behind

The 'January effect' has returned to the markets and has caused strong rises in the stock market in the early stages of the year. Alberto Matellán, chief economist at MAPFRE Inversión, and Ismael García Puente, fund manager and fund selector at MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial, list the factors that have caused this change in trend.

Sports: The great forgotten thematic investment?

Sports: The great forgotten thematic investment?

Sports are probably the most overlooked thematic investment globally. In the catalog of different fund managers, we find funds specialized in robotization, artificial intelligence, population pyramids, etc., but not a trace of sports.