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MAPFRE AM's US Forgotten Value Fund has risen 20 percent since the start of the year

Jun 10, 2021

Redacción Mapfre

Redacción Mapfre

The beginning of 2021 was marked by the vaccination campaign — and with it, the hope of returning to normality and, above all, to economic stability. The latest data seem to indicate that recovery is progressing more quickly than analysts expected, and the markets have seen a wave of optimism with historical highs recorded in the major European indices.

Funds such as MAPFRE AM US Forgotten Value have followed this upward trend with very noteworthy revaluations. It was in December 2019 that the management unit of MAPFRE and Boyar Value Group agreed to create this fund—which focuses on private equity—in order to obtain a higher return than the market in the long-term by investing in "forgotten securities."

Since then, and despite the slump experienced last year due to the pandemic, the fund is outperforming its benchmark and is among the most profitable funds in its sector. More concretely, in 2021 to date, the fund has seen a 20 percent rise — a clear illustration of the excellent work accomplished so far.

In the words of the Boyar Value Group's Managing Director, Jonathan Boyar, as published in an article by Insurance Asset Risk, the fund's choice to invest in companies that are not currently the focus of market attention can be a constraint in the short-term, and "it can take a while for the market to really recognize the value that we see."

Full article available on subscription.

“It's too early to sell in sectors threatened by tariffs”

“It's too early to sell in sectors threatened by tariffs”

Alberto Matellán, General Manager at La Financière Responsable, believes that although in principle the new White House policy could harm European exporter, it is still “difficult” to tell what their impact will be as the specifics are yet to be defined, meaning “it’s too early to start selling in these sectors,” including the automotive or steel industries.

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