New phases bring forth new ideas, and the world of investment is no different. Four years ago, MAPFRE Asset Management signed an agreement with Boyar Value Group to provide solutions and new investment propositions that went beyond the most traditional options available.
Results for: Funds
MAPFRE AM, a leading Spanish asset manager in terms of overseas turnover
Over the years, Spanish asset managers have been progressively increasing their international presence and expanding into the biggest markets.
“We invest in the best opportunities, even in stocks forgotten by the market”
Opportunities can arise in the most unexpected corners of the market, in those ignored and forgotten stocks.
MAPFRE AM launches clean classes and institutional classes for selected funds
With more than 1.2 billion euros in equities, MAPFRE Asset Management has positioned itself as one of the best firms among the national fund managers operating outside of Spain.
MAPFRE AM's US Forgotten Value Fund has risen 20 percent since the start of the year
The beginning of 2021 was marked by the vaccination campaign — and with it, the hope of returning to normality and, above all, to economic stability.